I wholeheartedly endorse the work of the Radiation and Public Health Project. I have lived under the toxic cloud and horror of nuclear testing, weapons, and nuclear power since I was born in 1945. I have been a peace activist for 40 years, condemning all use of nuclear weapons and power this whole time. I have been active in trying to occupy nuclear power plants since their beginning. I come at it as a scientist and physician for 35 years, and well aware of the research in low level radiation (I have Dr. Gofman’s seminal text on it for example) and the horrors of nuclear weapons (I have corresponded with Dr. Helen Caldicott for decades and am a close friend and supporter – her new book is a must for humanity’s survival). We clearly have political leaders indifferent to and ignorant of the consequences. In fact they fully support their promotion and threaten their use. We are in grave danger. For twenty years I’ve gone yearly to the hospitals of Russia and have seen first hand the horrors of Chernobyl.
The NRC, Department of Energy, and NCI are puppets of the powers who foster nuclear power and weapons and have a well documented history of lying and hiding information from our citizens. We are their experiments – as a recent book published about experiments done on the disadvantaged in Cincinnati decades ago horrifically record (also suppressed info).
We are fortunate to have people like RPHP who are trying to educate our population about the truth about radiation’s effects on our body. Their research must be supported and distributed so that we can collectively end this arrogant stupidity in the name of greed.
Please, not only support, but also be a mouthpiece for this research. Our future depends on it. Become active.
In peace,
Patch (Adams)